Deciding which shipping rates to charge your customer is an important part of setting up your online business. As first steps , you should decide what shipping strategy you want to use, and then set up how your customers can choose a shipping method.
Shipping strategies
When deciding on a shipping stategy, you must make sure that you have added weights to each of your products and have measured the size of the box you will be shipping for accurate rate calculations.
To update weights and size of box on your products, refer to the Shipping Properties tab here.

Free shipping
Offering free shipping is a great tactic to entirce your customers. There are a few ways to offer free shipping, even if your business is just getting started. One way is to include the shipping fee in your product prices. Find out what the average cost to ship your product is, then add the buffer into your prices.
Another way is to offer free shipping on all orders over a certain dollar amount.
Charge exact shipping costs
If you have an account with any one of our Shipping Carriers, you can use our real-time shipping methods to calculate the exact rate offered by a number of shipping carriers, eg. (UPS/FedEx/DHL/USPS and more).
Flat rate shipping
Another way to charge for shipping is to offer a flat rate for every package, or by defined rules such as flat rates by weight or cart totals. When deciding on a flat rate, you will need to consider your average shipping cost to send a package so you don’t over or under charge. An example of a flat rate is to charge $5 for all domestic shipments.
Remember that your goal is to balance your own shipping and handling costs with attractive pricing for your customers.