How to contact the seller of a product

1 min. readlast update: 09.01.2021

In this section, you will learn how to contact the seller in three ways:

  1. Contact the seller from a product page
  2. Contact the seller from their shop page
  3. Communicate with the seller about a specific order 

I. To contact the seller from a product page, click on Contact button . Note: If you do not have an account with HellaBlack, you will be prompted to create an account in order to contact the seller. A registered account is required.


II. To contact the seller from their shop page, click on Contact button. Note: If you do not have an account with HellaBlack, you will be prompted to create an account in order to contact the seller. A registered account is required.


II. To communicate with your seller about a specific order, locate your order confirmation email in your inbox. Then, click on Contact the Seller of Your Item. Then, enter your Order ID or Email Address associated with the order, and select Start Communication


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