Get your FedEx API Credentials

1 min. readlast update: 04.22.2021

In order to set up your FedEx on HellaBlack, complete the following preliminary steps:

  1. Register for FedEx Web Services Production Access

Complete the forms, and accept the agreement to continue.


Note down the following required information from your FedEx screen:

Production Key - displayed on screen; This is your Authentication Key on HellaBlack

Meter Number- displayed on screen ; This is your Meter Number on HellaBlack

Production Account Number - can be found at Fedex My Profile --> Account Management ; This is your Account Number on HellaBlack

Production Password - Check the email associated with your FedEx account. You should receive an email with title Your developer Production Key Registration is complete, in which you can find the Production Password ; This is your Authentication Password on HellaBlack

Once you have noted all information, continue setting up your FedEx account on HellaBlack . See How To: Set up FedExundefined .

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